Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Golf, Weight Gain, Sickness, Fires....woowee!

Abby's golf tournament was last Friday. It was fantastic. I can't thank everybody enough that donated and participated. It was so great to see all that support.

As far as Abby's weight is concerned, we still have a lot of ground to cover. She did pass the 16 lb mark finally and is officially weighing in at 16 lbs, 4 oz. The J tube is going in on the 6th of November so mark your calendars. As I mentioned before (which was over two weeks ago....sorry!), Abby will undergo twilight anesthesia and be able to go home the same day. Once the J Tube is in, it only lasts about 6 to 8 weeks before it gets "yucky." That was the technical term by the way. Apparently it gets this way from all the formula that passes through it. Anyway, once the tube reaches full capacity on the yuck o meter, Abby will go back in and they will replace the J Tube with a new, yuck free tube. The goal is to get roughly 16 weeks or 4 months (check out those math skills) out of this. The docs didn't give us their hopes for weight gain for Abby, just that she needs to gain "as much as she can."

Kelly got really sick on Monday and I dragged her into urgent care. She had cold sweats, a fever, body aches and was extremely fatigued. Abby had also been pulling on her ear a lot lately and it had been 6 days since my boy had gone good old numero dos. (That's 2 you gringo's). The doc told Kelly it sounded like she had some kind of flu, which was confusing because according to the doc, the flu doesn't show up until January or so in California. Either way, there wasn't much she could do for Kelly except advise her to drink lots of water and get some rest. We took Abby and Eddie to their pediatrician on Tuesday. Luckily Abby's ear tugging was from the pain of her molars coming in, not an ear infection. And Eddie cleared out with a little help from a glycerin chip. So all is good there. As of today, Kelly is feeling a lot better.

The fires have been crazy. We could see the flames of the fire in Irvine off in the distance from the end of our street last night. Ash is falling all over the Irvine area. The smoke has been really bad as well. Many of our friends from San Diego and in Orange County have been evacuated. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone especially those in San Diego as those have been hit the hardest. I still can't believe that Rancho Bernardo has been hit so hard. That is where Abby's tournament was.

Enjoy the pictures friends.

We love you all.

Here we are at the start of the golf tournament

Check out how big Eddie is getting! He's 13 lbs 12 oz already.

We took my mom to see Emma and Maddy and she took this great family photo. Look at Abby! Love her...

Here's a close up of the head stone. I don't think I've posted this yet. It's beautiful isn't it? Kelly did a great job designing it.

Ummmmm....yeah. Kinda cute right?

And just in case it wasn't clear, we made sure to spell it out....on her bum!

Note the stain on my shirt. I can honestly say that I do not own one T Shirt that doesn't have some kind of stain on it. I love it!


TDM Wendy said...

I did not know about the golf tourney until i just read your post. That is so stinkin' (I thought I would use that adjective since you are surrounded by stinkin' - now that eddy is producing again anyway) awesome! Glad to hear kelly is on the mend. Abby is as CUTE as ever. And Eddy is ready to tackle.

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