Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Strike is FINALLY Over!

I have GREAT NEWS! The Abby Blog Writer Strike is officially over. I have finally reached an agreement with my crazy life and we have come to a conclusion. The deal is that I will no longer sleep....ever. Seriously though, I think I just needed to adjust to my new job, let the holidays come and go, and give myself a little rest for some much needed energy to recharge my blogging battery. I'm pumped for 2008. A lot is going to happen with Abby and I'll get back to the every 2 week update. I may even go crazier than that, but let's not count on this just yet.

Alright then, on to the update. Abby's J tube is still going strong. Because the tube now extends into her small intestines, the tube itself is smaller and tends to get clogged every 4 to 6 weeks. So the fact that Abby is at 2 months and the tube is still working is GREAT because she has gained 2 full lbs! That means she's 18 and a half lbs now. This is by far the best weight gain she's had since we took her home from the NICU. Once it does get clogged, we will have to take it out, and we will absolutely put another one in since it's working so well.

Christmas was fantastic. Abby was more interested in the boxes and the paper than anything else. Eddie didn't know what was going on either. The major downfall has been that Abby is STILL sick. In fact, I'm typing this at 1AM because she threw up again tonight. Imagine having a stuffy / runny nose and having all that gunk get caught in your throat and not having the ability to spit it up or anything. You just have to sit there and deal with it until so much accumulates that your body forces you to throw it up. Well...that's Abby....every single day. The poor think is miserable at night when she sleeps.

In the day time however, Abby is doing great. She is really getting close to walking and getting more and more brave when she finds something to help her stand up. After she's on her feet, she'll let go for a split second. Kelly and I are having so much fun watching Abby progress so well in this regard. Her left arm, hand, leg and foot seem to be doing alright as well. We have a brace for her left hand now which forces her thumb open and allows her to grab on to things better.

Eddie by the way is 17 lbs 4 oz. He is getting quite the personality and is rolling over and everything already! He's doing great and I can't wait for when they're both older so I can watch them interact with each other.

Good night friends. Be sure to check back more often from now on. I promise to do an update more often than every month.

And because of my ultra slackingness, I have really gone crazy with the pics.

Enjoy and we love you! Say some prayers for Abby so she gets over this cold.

Love you all.

The Gaya's

Check out these two of Abby and Eddie sittin' on the couch together

Christmas Pics! Here are a couple of Abby and Eddie with Santa. The best part was when Kelly came to take Abby off of Santa's lap, Abby grabbed onto Santa and refused to get off his lap! Santa was very pleased and said how refreshing that was. We were to promise to bring her back next year!

We couldn't help ourselves... the bow was just begging to be put on Abby's head!

Eddie scored for his first Christmas!

Here is Abby's cousin Caden reading to her. Abby LOVES books

uh.....hmmm....Soooo, THIS is my job when we go shopping?

Check out Abby taking a bath in Grandma's sink. She was loving it!

And of course, here's another shot of the "O" Face

It was FREEZING up north so we really bundled the kids up.

Kelly bought Eddie an awesome beanie!

Here's another one from a different night when Kelly got our Abby all bundled up in that cute hat.


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