Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Abby news

Hey Team,

Sorry for the lag time here!
I’m at work right now so I don’t have too much time to ramble on like I usually do. Abby is doing well for the most part. We don’t have any further information on her eyes but she is getting an exam some time today or tomorrow. We’re really hoping that the ROP hasn’t gotten worse. Also, she isn’t really progressing on her suck swallow breathe coordination too well. This is also very important because she needs to get this down in order to come home. Her spells are doing better though so that’s good news. She spells a few times a day on her own and when we’re trying to feed her with a bottle but that’s it. What else what else…. Oh yeah. Abby is still gaining weight and digesting mommy's milk well through the feeding tube in her nose. She does have some reflux from time to time though still and we’re hoping that these little spit up episodes remain as few and far between as possible.

Everybody asks when she’s coming home. The general answer is that preemies usually go home around their original due date, which for Abby, Emma and Maddy was August 4th. Abby has a lot to accomplish from then until now though so we need your prayers. Specifically, her suck, swallow breathe coordination. And while her brain bleed outcome and eyes won’t determine when she comes home, those are two good topics to pray about as well.

Abby’s story continues to reach a lot of people and touch many hearts which in turn touches ours. We’re over the 2 month mark in the hospital now and Kelly has been there all day, everyday until we leave around 11PM or so. She is amazing. Abby knows her mommy so well and it warms my heart when Kelly comes back in the room and starts to talk because Abby will more than likely open her eyes and look for her. That is, unless she’s totally out and snoozing. Stamina my friends. It’s called stamina, and Kelly has tons of it. She is my amazing wife and I love her more than I can possibly explain.

Stay tuned for some awesome Abby Pics with her 4th of July outfit that a friend of mine from work bought for her. She’s way too small for it, but it’s still super cute. We even paraded her around the NICU to show her off. Needless to say, she was a hit.


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