Sunday, September 03, 2006

Written Sunday, September 3rd, 2006

Oh my gosh! Has it really been a week since I’ve written? Oops. Sorry everybody. I have an excuse though. Every time I think about writing, I look at Abby and I just have to get my hands on her! I can’t stand it.

As of a few days ago, Abby was 6lbs 10oz! She’s getting up there. She continues to make small strides in her feeding but still not taking a full bottle. A full bottle for Abby is 60 cc’s of milk which is 2 full oz’s. A good feeding attempt for her these days is around 35 to 40 cc’s and we feed her about every 4 hours. She doesn’t do this every time but she does hit 35 to 40 at least once a day. During the nighttime though, if Abby is sleeping, we don’t even wake her up to try the bottle. We just let her sleep and hook the g tube up to her feeding pump. This is one of the few perks of the g tube and believe me, we don’t mind taking advantage of it! Although, if she’s wide awake and looking to chow down, this is not an option. Like last night for example. The little angel was WIDE awake and ready to eat. It was daddy’s turn and I’m happy to report she took 30 cc’s in about 10 minutes for me. Of course after I tried to burp her and got her ready to try again, she was already asleep. Hilarious!

What else? Oh yeah, the g tube area has been doing better ever since we went to the doctor last weekend. We are still watching it though because it can get irritated pretty easily. I’m just happy that we found a cause (or at least one cause) of Abby’s constant crying. She has been doing so much better this week and hasn’t been nearly as fussy.

She still has some pretty bad reflux though and there’s only so much we can do with this from what I’m told. The Shunt is doing well also. It’s doing it’s job and as long as it doesn’t get infected or clogged, we’ll be okay This week is a big week for appointments. Two days she has feeding therapy, one day is physical therapy, plus a G tube appointment and a neurology appointment…all this week.
Woowee! What a schedule.

So there we have it. All is well at Camp Abby for now. I am very anxious for her to progress more on her feeding though so please say some prayers on this topic for Abby. It’s important that she takes at least 1 full bottle a day.

We love you all.

Ryan and Kelly

PS – Today is bath day for Abby, which is great because she LOVES her baths now!


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