Friday, December 22, 2006


Written Friday Night, December 22nd, 2006

Hi Everybody,

Thanks to all of you for everything this year. Stay tuned as we're looking forward to a great 2007. Abby is sure to make more wonderful strides and of course there's the new baby thing! Since I had work off today I was able to go with Kelly and Abby to Abby's therapy appointments. I am happy to report that she is doing fantastic with her baby food. She loves to eat from the spoon. She still hates the milk from the bottle though but honestly, who cares?! I'm just excited that she is taking so well to baby food. Abby is also doing very well with her physical therapy and is progressing well.

All in all, it's a good report.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Be Good!

Ryan, Kelly and Abby


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