Monday, March 19, 2007

What a week!


So let's get to it. Abby was over 13 and a half pounds at the beginning of the week! But from there Abby start feeling crummy. She started teething which turned Abby from her usual happy self to the "I'm in pain and don't know why" Abby. This was not fun. We figured it was standard behavior until around Thursday. Abby was getting more and more cranky and eventually she started sneezing and had a runny nose. Uh oh. Her first official cold. This isn't a big deal for most babies, but Abby has Chronic Lung Disease since she was on a breathing machine for so long as a preemie which means she is very susceptible to getting RSV or Respiratory Synctial Virus. RSV can kill a baby if it gets too bad. So, in true Kelly fashion, she wasted no time and took Abby in to see her pediatrician on Friday. Luckily her lungs sounded good and she just had a head cold. But on Saturday Abby kept getting worse. By Saturday night she was miserable. It broke our hearts to see Abby so uncomfortable. She sneezed so much that it made her little nose red and raw. She wanted her binki but since she couldn't breathe through her nose, she couldn't suck on it. Her eyes were puffy and she was wouldn't stop crying.
Finally, at 3:30AM we decided to take her to the Emergency Room. We feared that her cold had turned into RSV. But again, we got confirmation that it wasn't RSV. She did have some sort of viral infection though and the x - ray from her lungs looked a bit cloudy. We were told to keep Abby on the Tylenol and Ibuprofen as well as an inhaler to fight off any possible infection in the lungs.
At the end of it all, Abby weighed in at just over 13 lbs so she lost some weight from the ordeal. Kelly went to see her pediatrician again today who gave her a decongestant which has helped her sleep. She is almost back to her regular happy Abby and mommy and daddy are finally getting some sleep again. And, she officially has her two little front bottom teeth poking through! Yay...two down, and a whole mouthful left to go. Can't wait.

As far as mommy goes with her pregnancy, everything is A okay at the moment.
And daddy is back to work! Woohoo!

Here are some pics of Abby in her cute dress plus one of her sleeping on Daddy's shoulder.

Have a good week.


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