Sunday, January 27, 2008

Abby is finally feeling better

What's happenin' my friends,

I hope all of you out there in Abby Land are doing well. I'm happy to report that our little munchkin is doing a lot better. She doesn't have much mucus build up anymore and is sleeping a lot better lately. Kelly did have to give her that breathing treatment some more though and at first we were worried that having a mask on her face would freak her out. But momma just held the mask over her mouth and sang her songs for 10 minutes while she gave Abby the breathing treatment. Surprisingly, our wiggle worm actually sat still. Not only that, she was absolutely consumed by her momma and just stared at her. Below is a picture of this scene....except for the fact that Abby is looking at me, but that's only because I called her name...

Abby has also been eating a lot better. And by that I mean that she actually takes consistent bites of her food while she is in her high chair. Before, she wouldn't take a bit of ANYTHING. It was pretty bad there for a while. Now she eats little bites of her food one after the other, which is GREAT! However, she does "chipmunk" her food a lot. That's the term Kelly and I give to Abby when she stores her bites in her left cheek. It's hilarious because she whines and hits her high chair tray for another bite and then another and another, but all she does with it is put the bite in her mouth, chew it for a bit, and then push it over to the side with the other bites. The first time we noticed this was only after bite number 1 million or so, because she had a HUGE bulge coming from her left cheek! Kelly forced her to open her mouth and sure enough, out came a whole winters worth of food. It's really funny. I'll try to get a picture of this soon. Some of it must be going down though because she has gained some good weight. And let's not forget about her faithful J Tube. (Stay tuned for why it's called the "J Tube") This is the REAL reason she's gaining weight. The J tube as you know, shoots the formula directly into the first part of Abby's small intestine, which is called the Jejunum. (That's why!) The J Tube has to be pretty small to do this, which means that it will most likely get clogged. We were told we'd get 6 to 8 weeks out of the J Tube before it would get clogged but it's been just under 3 months since Abby had her J Tube put in, and it is still working. Not bad huh? We are extremely grateful for this because she is now 18 lbs, 10 oz! She is actually getting a little meat on her bones. I love it. We need her to get to 20 lbs ASAP so we can turn her car car seat around and let her face forward. She's getting pretty tall and her poor legs don't have much room, but the car seat regulations say you have to be 20 lbs. We'll get there soon I hope.

We put Abby's feeding pump back pack on again to see if she would warm up to it, but she still doesn't like it. Last time she couldn't even move with it on, but this time she had a bit more success. Still though, she was bothered by it so we took it off. I pulled all my tricks out to get her to smile for me for this picture but she wasn't havin' it....AT ALL.

I do hope she'll get used to this thing though because if she does wear it, that's just more formula she's getting which means even more weight gain. And that's pretty much it for our Abby Girl. She is a bit of pistol these days with momma. Lot's of screaming, throwing her food off of the high chair and some serious strong willed personality stuff. Kelly's mom is loving it because apparently...thats EXACTLY how Kelly was!

As for Eddie, he's a happy little guy. He has a great smile and he LOVES his ExerSaucer. Check out these shots of my little bowling ball...

He has found his screaming voice....which I'm super dooper excited about. Kelly is too. She loves it when both Abby and Eddie are screaming like crazy in an attempt to get her attention. It's tons of fun. You all should come over some time to experience it. Eddie is also rolling around a lot. He prefers to roll to one side though, so instead of doing one or two rolls one way and then heading back the other other direction, he insists on continuing his path in the same direction and is now finding himself lodged up under the ottoman, or his cradle swing, or by the couch or under the rocker chair. Wherever he ends up, he's sure to twist himself in some fashion that only leads to more of that screaming I was talking about. I have to admit though, it's funny to watch. He just rolls and rolls and rolls... I think I might push the furniture out of the way and just let him roll forever and see how far he goes!

That's all for now you crazy, whacky Abbyaddicts. I love you deeply.

Here are few more to enjoy....


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