Monday, August 25, 2008

This Friday is Surgery Day

Hey Team,

The last couple of weeks have been great. Abby is doing fantastic, Eddie is growing like a weed, and we have been going to the beach and the pool as much as possible. Abby is doing really well with her eating. She is quite the snacker these days and is often asking to try bites of whatever it is we're eating. Eddie...well... he is not so much a snacker as he is a vacume. The kid will try anything, but make no mistake. He'll spit it right out if he's not into it. Abby is very much into music. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but it's been going on for a while. When she hears a song she likes, she throws her right hand up and shakes it around in the air. The most recent addition to her dance moves is this bounce she does where she bends her knees and everything! And going back to what we all know the docs said we could expect from our little Abby, we all know that this is just one more little miracle! Need less to say I was in tears and so was Kelly...and my sister...and pretty much everyone else who saw her do this.

This Friday is the surgery for the fundo. For those of you who have forgotten what a fundo is, why Abby needs it and all the issues that go along with this surgery, scroll down to my previous blog entry and read on. (Man, I really got after it last time huh?) The surgery will be at approximately 10AM on Friday. I will do an update from my blackberry as soon as it's over to let you all know how it went.

Thanks....yet again....Abby Fans, for all of your continued love and support for our little girl. Thanks to those people gathering around a computer at work to check in on her and enjoy the latest pics, and to our old friends whom we haven't spoken to in years but still take the time to keep on on Abbers, and then of course to the people who have just come across this blog somehow and got bit by the Abby Bug like the rest of us and have stayed on ever since. However you came upon this story, thanks for staying with it. It means the world to us and we love you for it.

And now...take a look at Eddie giving Abby not one, not two, but multiple kisses!

1 comments: said...

Your kids are beyond adorable. I love to see them grow up and it is simply amazing to watch little Abby defy all the limits the doctors set. Thank YOU for sharing your fantastic story. :D
~alex camastro

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