Friday, October 31, 2008

Hi everyone,

So this week started off a bit NUTS. At 10PM last Monday night, Kelly went in to check on Abby and our baby girl was having her second seizure. She was sitting up, her left side was twitching simultaneously again, and she was very out of sorts. Oh, and she was dripping with sweat, which means that she was probable seizing for quite some time.

Remember that the last time Abby had one of these, we were put in the hospital for a week. The only way we were allowed to leave without putting Abby on any anti seizure medication long term, was if we promised the doctor that if she did have another seizure, we wouldn't freak out. He said we would need to remain calm and be able to give Abby this emergency medication (it is actually valum) to stop the seizures....rectally. And immediately after giving her the meds we would have to call 911 to make sure that it stopped the seizure and that she didn't have a reaction to the medication itself.

And of course, Kelly did all of this. She gave Abby the medication and she called 911. That call got Kelly and Abby a ride to the hospital in an ambulance. Check it out...

The medication knocked Abby out which was good because she needed to rest. Once we arrived at the hospital, her blood was drawn to check for any infections and they placed a catherder to get a urine sample to test for a Urinary Tract Infection. It was no fun.

The blood draw was no picnic...let me tell you. The nurse didn't use numbing creme or anything AND she had to poke both hands to get enough blood. It was horrible because she also tried to put an IV in Abby after she barely got enough blood. Abby was no longer in her nice slumber at this point... she was SCREAMING! It was killing me.
Thankfully, all the tests came back negative and we were able to go home that night. And by night I mean at 3am. Abby was pretty awake by then too but still under the affects of the drugs. She didn't want to go to sleep when we got home. I think she was so overly tired and still out of sorts. Kelly tried numerous times to get her to sleep but to no avail so I ended up grabbing a pillow and a blanket and I slept on the floor by her crib to get her to fall asleep. It worked and Kelly woke me up shortly after Abby fell asleep and we finally got to bed ourselves at about 4:30 0r so.
The docs sent us home with a prescription for Keppra, which is an anti seizure medication. We were hoping to keep Abby off anything like this, but it seems that she needs something now. She is on a very low dose of it, which is good because the side effects of the medication are awful. It makes you dizzy and drowsy and very irritable. We're told that some patients get used to the medication and the side effects can wear off. We are praying that Abby is one of them. She is just not herself on it. It makes us really sad.
Alright then, on to some good news. Man, this is turning into another marathon post, huh? Anyway, Abby gained 1 and a half pounds since her fundo surgery! She is now at 21 and a half lbs. It's working team. Abby is keeping her food down, she's not throwing up to the point of dehydration when she gets sick and we have actually been increasing the amount of formula we give her at night, and she's been tolerating that as well. Woohoo....Abby the chunky monkey. I can't wait!
And finally, we did the Halloween thing of course. It was a great night in our neighborhood and we certainly enjoyed our little munchkins. Take a look at my slide show below.


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