Monday, December 04, 2006


Written Monday Night, December 4th, 2006

This past week has been another good one for Abby. She is doing well and continues to steal our hearts on a daily basis. She doesn't like to take naps and is very hyper. Hmmmm…that’s a shocker. We can thank momma for that one. She is starting to roll over but has trouble getting her arm out from under body at the end of the roll, so she resorts to yelling and calling out for help. She is a determined little one though and will figure it out soon. She also started to laugh last week. I haven’t heard it yet but Kelly said it was one of the most heart warming sounds she’s ever heard.
Abby did throw up quite a bit this weekend. We think it's because we have increased her feedings a bit too much. Today Kelly scaled back the amount of milk from 4 ounces to around 3 to 3 and a half and that helped a lot.

On Sunday we got special permission to take Abby to church to give her a baby blessing. It was great to sit there in the congregation for the first time with my new family. Abby looked beautiful in her white dress and mommy was looking gorgeous as well. After the blessing Kelly got up to say a few words and she let the congregation know something that I figured we were keeping a secret for a while longer. Clearly I was wrong. It seems Kelly’s excitement has gotten the best of her. So for those of you that don’t know already, Kelly and I are pregnant! Yep. That’s right team. We’re pregnant! All on our own too with no infertility treatements. Let me tell you, this way is MUCH cheaper! How crazy is that? We’re very much at the beginning stages of it all and since Kelly had a pre term labor her first time around she is susceptible to pre term labor again. So… looks like we can continue the prayers for at least another nine months!

Have a great week everyone.

Abby's Management Team


Anonymous said...

WOW!! congratulations! I've been keeping up with your blog for some time now, and I'm so happy for you! (My name is Rebecca, I got your website from my grandparents, the Carrs). Best wishes!

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