Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Written Wednesday Night, December 13th, 2006


Sorry to be so late on this one friends. I was, uh….well…hmmm… Okay. No good excuses come to mind at the moment. Not to worry though, as Abby is still doing pretty well. Momma now feeds Abby a mixture of milk, rice cereal and baby food twice a day and she seems to like it. Peaches, bananas and pears are the flavors. Today she did very well with the peaches flavor. She is really starting to learn how to open her mouth and seems to handle this more solid consistency a bit better than she has been able to handle her milk. In fact, her bottle feeding has taken a giant step backward. She doesn’t take anything from the bottle anymore. Sometimes not even one sip. This is called oral aversion, which is when she doesn’t want anything in her mouth. She obviously doesn’t have it too bad because she’ll eat the baby food mixture but she certainly has it when it comes to the bottle. This means that momma has to pour the milk into a syringe and push the milk through her G Tube into her stomach over about an hour and a half period. Not fun for momma considering she eats every 4 hours.
Other than that though she’s still our happy Abby! She wakes up with a huge grin on her face and is in good spirits most of the time.
As for momma, the pregnancy is kicking in. She gets hit with some nausea waves every day but thank goodness for Zofran. It works well for Kelly and definitely takes the edge off. Tomorrow is her first doctor’s visit complete with an ultrasound!

Thanks for all the love and prayers Abby Fans. It’s been a long road.

Take a look at this picture, taken just a few weeks after Abby was born. She was so tiny I could fit my wedding ring around her hand.

Now look. She can barely fit more than a few fingers through it!


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