Monday, January 15, 2007


Written Monday Night January 15th 2007

Aaaaahhhh!!! I love it. You guys are fantastic. Thank you for your continued love and support. But seriously, let’s clear this up here. When there’s a three day weekend, I’ll be writing my update on MONDAY night... capiche? So just to clarify, when Memorial Day and Labor Day roll around, you can bet there won’t be an update Sunday night.

Okay, now that we have that straight, let’s move on to the goods. Abby is still hovering around 11 lbs 8 oz. Last night Kelly and I took all 11 lbs, 8 oz of her into our bath tub. At first, Abby wasn’t too sure about the situation. Kelly held her in the water while she spent about 5 minutes just staring down until finally she lowered her head and dipped her little chin in the water. She looked up and smiled ear to ear at mommy, then turned around and did it again. And then she did it again, and then again and again! And her smiles turned into little excited yelps, and her hands started to move which splashed drops of water on her face and excited her even more. She started kicking too and was basically going crazy with excitement. By this point Kelly and I were both laughing as hard as Abby was. It was hilarious. And the best part was that it really tired her out. By the time I dried her off and got her ready for bed in her PJ’s, she was out.
Today, since I had the day off, I was able to go with Kelly to see Abby’s acupuncturist. Abby did great. She didn’t even notice when she got poked with three different tiny needles in the top of her head. The acupuncture will help with brain function, brain development and Abby’s left arm that she has trouble with.
As for Kelly and our new little one, everything is going well. Kelly is coming up on week 12 of the pregnancy and her nausea is slowing down a bit. She goes in tomorrow for another check up.
I mentioned before that Abby likes to sit up. Below are some pics of Abby in her first big girl chair. We have to put a towel in it because it's not made for girls as small as she is. You can see that she is clearly too small for her high chair as well. But that's our Abby. She's ready to sit up now and so that's what she is going to do. It's no secret that our Abby is a little firecracker and this is just another glimpse of that.

That’s it for now!

Have a great week.


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