Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Good Week

Shhhh! Abby's asleep!

Uh Oh...look who woke up!

Hmmmm.. Abby's not too sure about sitting on mommy's knees...

Hello Everyone,

It's been a good week for lil Abby. She is now a whopping 11 lbs, 8 oz and she is still doing well with her eating. She loves everything we give her with a spoon and like I said before, she's actually doing better with drinking the formula from the bottle too. She's starting a new thing at night though that we're not exactly doing back flips about. Abby is going through that "I'm so tired I don't know what to do, nor do I know what I want so I'm just going to fuss and squirm and fuss some more" stage. The cure is usually a pacifier while holding her in our arms and bouncing and patting her little bum. Mommy definitely has the touch and can calm her within minutes. Daddy on the other hand has to work on it for a bit. But eventually she gives in and falls asleep.
Another new thing for our Abby is that she likes to sit up. (see pic). One day, when none of my usual tricks were working to get Abby out of her fussy stage I notice that whatever I did with her, she was trying to sit up. Sure enough, after propping her up with some pillows on the couch, she was back to good old Happy Abby. It was hilarious to see her just sit there and check out everything. Her therapist was extremely surprised by this because 4 month old babies (which is Abby's corrected age right now) usually aren't into sitting up. Abby is though. She wants to sit up and be a part of everything.
And lastly, Little Miss Magic is teething too. She spends a lot of time with her first two fingers in her mouth and sometimes she even gags herself. If she gags herself too much, she actually throws up. In fact, she tossed her cookies on Grandpa tonight by doing this! Aaaaahhh!! Fantastic. Sorry gramps! He was good about it though. There isn't much Abby can do to upset anybody just yet. (Yeah yeah, I know...all in time)
Mom is doing okay. The nausea hits her at random times during the day and some days are worse than others. We had a doctor's appointment on Thursday and we got to see our little peanut in an ultrasound. Everything is going well thus far. The next check up is in three more weeks. Once we get further along though we'll be going in every two weeks. Doc is keeping a close eye on Kelly in order to ensure a nice, FULL TERM pregnancy!

Have a fantastic week everyone. Thanks again for popping in and all the prayers. They are indeed working and we appreciate each and every one. Especially the ones from all you little ones. Each day I hear about somebody else's son or daughter that keeps Abby in his or her prayers. I am blown away at the faith of these kids. And so I say again, thank you guys. Keep them coming!

Gitty up.

The Gaya's.


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