Sunday, February 04, 2007

Abby is getting even cuter!

Abby had a good week. She is officially 12 lbs now and she's not throwing up anymore. She is really getting the hang of rolling on to her tummy too. Her arm and shoulder muscles are getting a lot stronger and have no problem holding her upper body up. The next step that her physical therapist is working on is to get her to bring her knees up into the crawl position. Abby is not a big fan of this by any means, but she'll get it soon. Her left hand is doing a little better and we're looking forward to starting her occupational therapy this week which help with this and her other fine motor skills. Her eating is the same. She is loving all the fruits and veggies and is getting better at the sippy cup.
Mommy is doing a bit better with all the nausea. She is getting some energy back and we were able to take our 1st walk since she got pregnant this Saturday. It was a blast just to be out with my little family. Oh! We found out that we're having a boy! We are very excited.

And now... on to the pics...

Abby loves to kiss mommy. Mommy will put her cheek where Abby can see it and then say, "Give mommy kisses?" She is much too young to understand but then again, she leans in and gives mommy her little Abby kiss every time mommy does this!

Here are a couple of pics with that new smile I was talking about.

Look! Abby found her feet....

And finally, Abby's favorite toy is anything shiny and silver. Here she is playing with Mommys bracelet.

We love you guys! Thanks for checking in.

Mommy, Daddy and Abby


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