Sunday, February 11, 2007

Written Sunday night, February 11th, 2007

Abby is doing fantastic. Mommy is feeling better with her pregnancy and we’re getting really excited that we’re having a boy. I for one have already slowed down to check out the window dispays at the local hobby stores. I’m thinking some high quality RC cars are definitely in my future! Sweeeeeet!

Anyway, things are holding steady and there isn’t too much to report other than we had a great weekend out in La Quinta with Abby’s Great Grandma and Great Grandpa. We managed to dodge some crummy weather back home and really enjoyed just hanging out and playing with our Little Miss Magic.

On to the pics!

Abby has gotten into trying to mimic whatever face you make at her. Here’ s a shot of her looking at Great Grandpa trying to mimic the serious look he has on his face

Just another cute one from the other week.

With her increasing independence, Abby insists on handling her binki herself. She likes to bite it and then pull it out of her mouth, which causes a kind of pop or clicking noise. She’s quite proud of this talent as you can see here.

And finally, here is Abby with one of our very favorite therapists, Karin. It’s Karin’s job to get this little one to eat and she is doing a fantastic job. Here they are enjoying some “big girl” food. Karin has been with Abby since the beginning in the NICU and we absolutely love her. Oh, and don’t forget to note Abby’s cute jeans, her headband and of course the bracelet.

We love you all and thank you for your continued support.


Mommy, Daddy and Abby.


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