Sunday, July 01, 2007

We're Almost There!

As of this Friday, Kelly will be 36 weeks which is where she needs to be before the doctor said she could be off bed rest. She is VERY excited! In fact, Kelly is already starting to ease into her "no bed rest" status and made it to church today. Abby was in a great mood and so was I because I finally got to have my two girls with me at church.

Abby's G Tube is continuing to do well. Her bandages which were covering up the scar from the old G Tube sight came off this week and they didn't look too bad. Over time they should heal up just fine. As far as her eating goes, she hasn't really been blowing us away by any means. And by that I mean that she hasn't begun to start gobbling food up like there's no tomorrow yet. I guess that's what I'm looking for. But Karin, her feeding therapist, reminded us about the smaller accomplishments like how much better she can control little bits of food in her mouth now and how she can take little bites of things like watermelon. She LOVES watermelon by the way! Well, at least she loves to put her lips to it and pretend like she's eating it. She takes little bites and eventually figures out how to chew it and swallow it. And when she's done with the high chair and eating things on her own, we take her out and play with her while we give her milk through her G Tube. That usually takes another 45 minutes or so.
Yep...! It's still quite the task to feed this little one. I'm hoping that her "Daddy's Eating Habit" gene kicks in soon. Once that happens, we won't have ANYTHING to worry about.

Alright, so here's a picture from the last 4 of July. We were in the NICU and a friend of mine got her this outfit.

My what a difference a year makes huh?

And here she is now! Please excuse the difference in lighting on these shots. I was messing with my camera an I changed some settings by accident. No worries though! She is still as cute as ever...

Have a GREAT 4th Of July everyone!


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