Monday, December 08, 2008 least we're consistent

Hi everybody,

So last night, Eddie ate a peanut butter covered pretzel. (For those of you that don't know, Eddie is allergic to peanuts). He choked on the pretzel and coughed it up, but he still started wheezing. Well, since we've been down this road before, we figured we'd give him some benadryl and call it a night. After all, he didn't get hives like the last time he ate peanut butter. To be sure Kelly called Kids Doc (an urgent care for kids). They had a different plan. They wanted Kelly to take Eddie to the ER right away. It was a good thing too. Eddie's wheezing was getting worse so he got some steroids immediately. Then he got some benadryl and fell asleep. That little situation kept Kelly at the hospital until about 2am last night.

Then it hit us. We've been in the hospital every single month for 5 months straight. Check it out:
In August Abby had her first seizure. Hospital for a week.
In September, she had the Fundo Surgery. Hospital for a week.
In October, we took the ambulance ride for seizure #2. ER for the night.
In November, she got the stomach flu so bad we had to go the ER in Palm Springs for the night.
And December, Eddie gets to participate in the fun!


But here's the good part... Eddie is doing fine today and Abby is doing GREAT these days! She is talking talking talking!!! That's right, I said she's talking. At first when we said, "Abby, say your name," she would say, "aaaaaahhhhh," but she wouldn't finish her name with the "beeeee" sound. Now she says it! "Aaaaah...Beeeee" This is huge because she is now starting to say two syllable words with different sounding syllables. She's been saying momma and dadda and all of those, but never anything else. Well now she is. Her first word like this was actually "again." The way she says it us so stinkin' cute I can't handle it. At first she says "aaaaaahhhh" then pauses, and then says "giiiii." without the "n" at the end. I love it.

Oh, and she's a smarty pants too. No joke. She can count all the way up to 20 and she knows all the words to the songs we've been singing to her too. We had no idea her memory was this good until she started sounding out the words as we were singing to her. Then we started leaving the last word of each line of a song out to let her say it...and she did! She knew them all! Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer is one of her favorites, so for example we sing, "Rudolf the red nose reindeer, had a very shiny...." and Abby says "nose." And we do that for the entire song and she knows it all! And not just for Rudolf, but for all the songs we've been singing.

So while it continues to be Drama Central over here it is also a very happy and positive place to be. We got miracles to make happen here people. We can't be bogged down with the drama. It's pretty clear that it's going to keep happening and yes, it stinks when it does. However, when it happens, we tell you guys, you help us through with prayers and love, and then we're back on track with all the good stuff. And we love you all more than words can describe for all that you do. The simple fact that you all check in from time to time to see about Abby is great. Thank you for doing that. It really does mean a lot to us.

Have a good week. We love you.


denise @ little ant design said...

Abby looks beyond cute in the first picture - I love it!

Sharisse said...

Hi! We always are checking each month for updates. We are moving to Visalia on the 30th of this months so we'll have to make a little trip down south as soon as we are settled, if you don't mind a visit from us Rowans:)We've never met Abby and Eddie, but we sure feel like we know them. Can't wait to meet them!

Ryan and Sharisse

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