Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day update from Ryan

The following is from Ryan's email:

Abby is taking one of those steps backwards. She's alright now but she may be coming down with pneumonia or some kind of bug. So they have her on another antibiotic. The doctors also poked her a ton for all kinds of tests :-( She was having a lot of spells (dropping of her "sats") too but the docs said the pneumonia would have nothing to do with those. Kelly and I seem to think that the increasing level of fluid in her head was bothering her. I think we were somewhat right in that theory because they tapped her head today and got 10 ccs out and her spells have slowed down a lot. They only got 5 cc the first time. As an FYI, you and I have 20 cc. A micro premie should have 4 cc and Abby proabably had about 30 cc before the tap. The plan is to put a temporary reservoir in her head which will allow the docs to do a lot of taps without permanently damaging her head. This will happen Tuesday or Wednesday.

Pray for her brain, that it will not be too badly damaged. Make this a staple prayer as we won't know for sure on this one for months to come.

And pray that Little Miss Fighter will kick whatever bug she has.


Some of you may have heard that Ryan and Kelly were planning on having the funeral for Madelyne and Emma this Saturday, May 20th. However, it will be postponed to a later date and Ryan will confirm the new date sometime over the next two weeks.


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