Friday, July 14, 2006

Abby news

Hola amigos,

A quick update because I’m pooped.

I left off on Tuesday night. So on Wednesday Morning Abby’s eyes still looked like Rocky’s after he fought that Russian dude in Rocky IV. She was very agitated and fussy just about the entire day. It was difficult for Kelly to see our little Abby Girl so uncomfortable. In fact, she even threw up so much that it came out of her nose and gave Kelly this wide eyed look that screamed “help me!” It was heart breaking. By the evening though, she got a little better and we were finally able to pull ourselves away around 11:30PM.

Today she made some more progress. Her eyes aren’t as swollen any more, she is a bit more calm and less agitated and overall, seems to be more comfortable. She doesn’t like to open her eyes though. She tries, realizes it still hurts to open them, cries a bit, then shuts them.

Abby also did some bottle feeding today. She took 13 cc’s in the morning and 16 cc’s with mom in the afternoon. As an FYI, a “full feed” for her is 35 cc’s, so she has a long way to go, but we’re getting there. Her spells were pretty much nonexistent as well which is a good thing.

Attached is a picture of her after the surgery with the CPAP back on. And the other one I just took tonight after we tucked her in.

I have to say, holding my little 3lb and 14 oz baby is the most peaceful thing I’ve ever done. My favorite is holding her so her head is on my shoulder and I can hear her take her little preemie breaths. It makes me melt. I’ll have to remember this when she’s 2, running around the house and screaming like a maniac!

Have a good weekend friends.


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