Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wednesday update

We have great news to report this morning friends.
For the past 2 nights, Abby has taken her full bottle! 37 cc’s both nights. And last night she did it without spilling a drop. As you all know from my last report, she is going through that vital stimulation or "vital stim" therapy and it is most definitely helping. Each morning, 2 little pads that are connected by a wire to a remote control get taped below Abby’s chin on her neck. Twice a day, the remote is turned on, and little electric waves stimulate Abby’s sucking muscles during her feeding. Ironically, she doesn’t do so hot when the vital stim device is actually on. The therapists are pretty sure it’s annoying her, but also know that it is working. For example, yesterday she only took around 15 cc’s from the bottle each time she was feeding while the vital stim was on. But it’s no coincidence that she’s all of a sudden taking a full bottle at night, so even though the vital stim is bugging her right now, we’re okay with that because it is teaching her to use those muscles.

Some more good news is that Abby now weighs 4lbs 2 oz’s! She’s doing great in that department. Her spells are still very few and far between. A few a day at the most. It’s a good day! Now if we can just get some news on her eyes! I hate waiting on that one. Kelly and I are so anxious to know if that surgery worked or not! But for now, we’ll take the good news on the feeding and continue to pray along with you guys that the eye surgery worked and her eyes are okay.

And lastly, today is MY mom’s birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA PAMMIE!
Tons of love,

Ryan and Kelly


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