Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday Night

Hello my friends,

As I sit here and type this update from my Blackberry, Kelly has our little girl in her arms. Its quite a sight! Abby is doing well today. Her eyes aren't nearly as swollen from the eye surgery and she is opening them up and looking around again. We won't know if the surgery worked for a couple of weeks though, which is frustrating for everyone. That's alright though because we have plenty to work on in the mean time, which brings me to her eating situation.

As we know, Abby's suck, swallow, breathe coordination is coming along slowly. She is now on a treatment called vital stimulation or "vital stim." The developmental therapist places little elctrode pads on her neck below her chin. These pads are connected to a remote control device with wires which send small electronic waves to stimulate the muscles Abby needs to use to swallow. So far it seems to be working pretty well. And today she took 16 cc's of milk with mommy holding her. That's a personal best for mom so she was excited about that.
Abby is growing a ton too. She is almost 4lbs!

That's pretty much it for now. The two topics of interest are her eyes and her eating. Please keep these issues in your prayers.

I know I've said this a few times but I need to say it again. Kelly and I are so touched at just how many of you check in on our baby girl. We got another glimpse of how far reaching the story of our three girls has been. We are lucky to have all of you and appreciate each and every kind thought and prayer.

All our love,
Ryan and Kelly


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