Sunday, October 29, 2006


Written Sunday night October 29th, 2006

Get this; on Friday, Kelly had her usual appointment with Abby’s developmental therapist who could not believe how well Abby was doing. She was holding her head up well, her left arm was looking better and she was kicking like crazy. She said that she’s not going to limit what we encourage Abby to do. In other words, there are no significant signs pointing to Abby having any serious disabilities at the moment so we’re going to challenge her on all fronts regarding her motor skills. How great is that?!
Remember though, she’s not out of the woods on this one and some developmental hurdles can manifest themselves later, but for now lil Abby is doing great and we’ll take it… thank you very much!
This morning I gave Abby a bath and it was so much fun. I usually assist Kelly but this time I was in the drivers seat and I had a blast. Abby loves bath time. She likes the warm water and she loves it when we lay a warm wet washcloth over her like a blanket. Her favorite, as I am sure it is for many little ones, is the water being poured over her head and going down her back.
After bath time it was time for cute outfit number 1 billion and 3, however this time, we spiced it with something new….shoes! Take a look at the picture of me and Abby for a shot of her in her first pair of kicks. Pink…of course. Mommy wouldn’t have it any other way.

As far as her eating is going, I have to report that it’s not doing so hot. She’s growing a lot faster now, which is good, but Abby’s therapists have said that this growth spurt could be why she’s taken a step backward in her eating. Her muscles, including the ones she uses to suck, swallow and breathe are growing very quickly and she has to learn how to use them again. But you know what? We’re not so caught up on this anymore. I used to really hang on to her feeding and hope each day that she would turn the corner here. Now though, it doesn’t bother me because she’s a happy baby. As long as she’s smiling and playing and continuing to grow and get strong, I’m okay with the eating challenges. I think it really bothered me before because Abby was in so much pain and it was really hard to watch her struggle over eating too. If you remember, her shunt got clogged again and she needed surgery, her constipation was really bad and irritating her, and her G Tube was getting infecting and causing a lot of pain. Abby was always crying and fussy. It was awful and for some reason I figured her learning how to eat would fix everything. Anyway, enough of that. Like I just said, Abby is a happy baby these days. It seems she really did turn a corner (knock on wood.)

Stay tuned for Halloween pictures of Abby on the 31st!

Enjoy the new photos of our little nugget.



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