Monday, October 16, 2006

Written Sunday Night October 15th, 2006

Dare I apologize for taking so long again? Do I even attempt to say, "I’ll be more frequent with my updates?" Nah. We all know that’s a bunch of hot air anyway! I’m thinking once a week or so is about the norm these days. The way I see it, if I write every other day it will just be boring. Think of it as a good thing. Abby is doing better so there isn’t as much to report. Trust me though, if something happens that requires an update and an emergency request for prayers, I’ll get on it. I say this only because some have mentioned that they’ve gotten concerned after a few days of no updates for fear that my silence is due to something bad with Abby. I promise this will never be the case. I always have my blackberry with me and if need be, I’ll do an update that way. So there you have it. My official declaration that we’re scaling back to a once a week update.

This week Abby has continued to turn that corner. She is still eating well for the most part. She’s taking in anywhere from 50 to 60 cc’s each time. Her full feed is still 70 cc’s and she hasn’t gotten to that yet, but like I said last time, the quality of her suck, swallow, breathe coordination is so much better these days. Abby is also very content when she’s awake. Just this morning Abby and I woke up together and she smiled and played for about 2 hours. I was in heaven. It’s such a blessing and an answer to our prayers to watch Abby enjoy herself and not be in any pain.

Our main concern right now is the left side of Abby’s body. Ever since her surgery we have noticed that her left arm has been more quiet than normal. While her right arm springs about, her left arm will sit there motionless. It’s not that she can’t move it though. For example if I hold it up and move it around and then let go she’ll continue to move it herself. Or if I hold her in the crook of my left arm so her right arm is pressed against my body and the only usable arm is her left, she’ll use it then too. But if she’s just lying down and kicking and moving like babies do, her left arm just sits there. I watched all day today and it has actually been a bit better but it was enough of a concern last week for Kelly to make an unannounced visit to Abby’s neurosurgeons office. By the way, catching our neurosurgeon without an appointment can be really difficult depending on his surgery schedule and what not. However Kelly got right in to see him, which was very lucky. He didn’t seem to be too freaked out, but he didn’t want to take any chances so he ordered an MRI. We’re not sure when that will be but we’re thinking sometime this week.

Last weekend I was talking to a friend of mine who said, " I call Abby Abbycadabra, because she’s magic." I thought that was great and I have to say, I agree. She IS magic. She is constantly amazing us. I’m sure she will continue to do so as the she answers the big questions in the future. How well will she walk and talk etc…? I’m looking forward to all of it.
Thank you all for checking in. There are quite a few of you from out of state, most of whom Kelly and I haven’t even met. I am truly honored and blessed to have you all praying and caring for my baby girls well being.

Have a fantastic week friends.

PS - Kelly has a busy week this week so please keep her in your prayers as well as Abby. A pediatrician appointment, a neuro appointment, 3 feeding appointments and a physical therapy appointment. She gets weighed this week too! She's in the 8 lb range and hopefully pushing 9 lbs. Stay tuned


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