Monday, October 02, 2006

Happy October Friends,

Well, I wish I had some great news but unfortunately Abby is sick. What’s worse is that she got it from me. All our precautions and hand washing didn’t seem to help. It hasn’t gotten much worse but it hasn’t gotten any better either. She is very stuffed up and she has a bit of cough. This, on top of her surgery last week has turned Abby into a very unhappy little baby. Last night was a rough one for sure. I know all you other parents out there can attest that there aren’t too many things worse than your baby screaming hysterically and you have absolutely no clue as to why. The helplessness we felt last night was horrible. Is her G Tube irritated again? Is the shunt working properly? Is she constipated again? Is it because she’s sick? Can we give her anything? On top of Abby’s extreme fussiness and crying lately, her feeding has taken a huge step backward. After her first suck from the bottle Abby will freak out and start screaming uncontrollably and it will take a long time to calm her down. Again, we have no idea why. Kelly has a feeding therapy appointment with Abby today and we’re hoping we’ll get some feedback as to what could be happening.

Thanks to you all for checking in and please keep our little Abby in your prayers. She’s been through so much and it’s her turn to feel better.

We love you all.


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