Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Big Week Ahead

Hey Gang,

It's going to be another one of "those" weeks. The anticipation of Tuesday is killing us. We know it's routine and Abby has had these before and blah blah blah. We have the utmost faith in her doctor and have come to know, respect and love him during this journey, but the anxiety still lingers overhead like a thick fog.
Here's how it will all go down. Mommy and daddy need to have Abby at CHOC in Orange at 5:30AM. That right there is reason enough to cry. Once Abby is sleeping from her anesthesia medication, she will get another MRI to confirm that the cyst or puddle of fluid in her brain has in fact been steadily increasing in size. If by some miracle it's not increasing, this would mean that the fluid is somehow escaping this little area and we wouldn't have to go through with the surgery. As you all say your prayers for our Little Miss Magic, you might as well toss in a request for this miracle as well. Assuming the cyst is in fact increasing, Abby's doctor explained that he would basically go into that cyst and create a hole to allow it to drain down out. By the way, if we didn't do anything about the cyst, it would just grow bigger and bigger and put pressure on Abby's brain, which in turn would cause serious brain damage.
Abby will have to stay at least one night in the PICU. We've been there before and it's no picnic. Lot's of memories as you can imagine. The nurses and doctors however are absolutely amazing and have a way to make it better. Plus Abby has made a friend or two from her stay at the NICU so she will likely get some visitors. Abby is and always will be our fighter. All we have to do is click on the early months of this blog site to be reminded of Abby's strength and fierce will to survive. She can handle this. That little girl is 10 times stronger than I could ever hope to be. She is her daddy's hero.

On a lighter note, we had a great week last week. Abby got to play with her cousins each day which was fantastic. We also took her out for her first pool experience! She liked being out and about but wasn't too into the water. I think she was just tired because she loves water. We'll try again soon.

The pics are of mommy and Abby hanging out pool side and then from today after church.

Please pray that the surgery goes well and that Abby's recovery is quick and she'll be able to come home on Wednesday. We love you all very much. There are only so many ways to say that with getting all "hallmark" sounding and overloaded with cheesiness. But it's true. We love knowing you all log on. We STILL love hearing about those we don't even know who check in on Abby. It warms my heart. And at times like this, it does more than I can express.

The Gaya Family


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