Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's been a long day

After my last post, Abby started throwing up. We're told this is a common reaction to the anesthesia. After it wears off they may get nauseated and feel sick. Abby was no exception. All three times we gave her milk through the G Tube she threw it up. Ironically though, she didn't throw up until 2 or 3 hours after we fed her. Tonight we just gave her some pedialite (sp?) water which isn't as thick as the formula. Other than that, she is doing alright. Abby doesn't want to be sick and that much is clear. She was trying to play and smile in the middle of her fits from the pain she was in. She'd laugh, then cry, then giggle again and grab my hand, and then cry again. She is very confused with everything and I just want to get her home to a comfortable environemnt. If all goes well, that will be tomorrow.I came home and Kelly stayed at the hospital in one of those super comfy fold out chair beds. She's pretty excited about it. (yeah right!) be!

Sleep tight. Or good morning is probably more appropriate since I doubt too many of you will be checking this site much after 11:30PM which is the time now.

Our love goes out to each of you.


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