Monday, June 12, 2006

Abby doing great

Seriously people, our little Abby is one fiesty little lady! As it turns out, those "clamping down" spells yesterday were just Abby saying, "Hey! Take this stinkin' tube out of my throat!" I told Abby that in order for us to do that, she would have to sit still and breathe well all day. Being the good little Abby that she is, she listened to her daddy! (Something tells me I shouldn't get used to that). Anyway,she did great all day. The RT would lower her settings, and as long as she did well, she would lower the settings again a bit later. This happened all day long until finally the RT came in with a big smile on her face and said, "let's take that thing out!" Woohooo! No more Ventilator Tube! She did have to go back on the CPAP though which is the big tube across her nose and up around her head. Take a look at the collage to refesh your memory of this horrible contraption. We're not worried though because this is much better than the ventilator tube.
Abby is doing great on the CPAP in terms of her heart rate and SAT levels and all that mumbo jumbo. Hopefully by tomorrow, she will be able to go on the nasal cannula.

She hasn't been able to start on her feedings yet, but that should be coming soon. Maybe by Tuesday. And from there, as long as the shunt continues to work, which it seems to be doing fine at the moment, we'll be in good shape more or less.

I thank you all for your prayers. My testimony of the power of prayers and blessings have gone through the roof during all this. It has been incredible. I know Heavenly Father hears our collective prayers on Abby's behalf. On that note, please make sure to pray for Abby's continued strength and good lungs as well as for her shunt to work properly and to not get clogged or infected.

Have a great Monday friends.


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