Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Abby doing great

Hello everyone,

Abby is still doing great! Momma got to hold her for 4 hours or so yesterday and I got to hold her for 2 hours yesterday evening kangaroo style. Kelly held her again today and she did great. She hasn’t had any spells recently AT ALL!!!

She is back on her feeds too. Only 1.4 CC’s every three hours until the end of today and then they will increase her feeds fairly rapidly to get her back to where she was.

Although Abby is doing very well, there is some bad news. We found out that the pressure valve in her neck from the shunt is only good for a little while and she will need a “big girl” valve soon. Shoot! We thought we were done with surgeries. Granted, this one is a lot less intrusive but it still requires her to go back on the ventilator and get the tube stuck back down her throat. The doctor wants to wait until she is a bit bigger though so hopefully she will get stronger in the meantime.

But for now we’re happy because she’s doing quite well with the shunt and she is receiving very little assistance from the nasal cannula.

Be good and say some prayers for continued strength for Abby, especially through the weekend. It’s obvious that weekends are usually a bad part of the week but it’s very important that this Saturday, which is the memorial service for Emma and Maddy, Abby Girl stays strong.

We love you all.


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