Thursday, June 08, 2006

Extra prayers for Abby

Today was better than the last couple. Abby didn't have nearly as many spells. Her color looks good and she actually lost weight which we were happy to see because she was retaining quite a bit of fluid lately. She is still over 2 lbs though which is great.

Friday is a big day. Abby goes into surgery at 7AM to get her shunt put in. The biggest risks are that the fluid may get infected and that the shunt gets clogged. Another bummer is that Abby will have to get that breathing tube stuck back down her throat. Last time she had the surgery for the reservoir, it took a couple of days before she was back on the nasal cannula. We are hoping she bounces back a bit sooner this time. The good part is that once the shunt is in, assuming everything goes according to plan, Abby shouldn't have any spells related to pressure in her head. The pressure also can disrupt her digestive system and this too should go away after the shunt is put in.

She needs extra special prayers tonight and tomorrow my friends.



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