Friday, September 19, 2008

As of 5:30PM on Friday....

Well, we're up in the recovery room here at CHOC and Abby is in a lot of pain and she is very nauseous. She is always nauseated from the anaesthesia after her surgeries and usually collects a lot of saliva and phlem in her tummy and then throws it up. Since she got this fundo, we were thinking she wouldn't throw up anymore, but Abby has already thrown up a mouthful of phlem and saliva 8 times. We're told that this is normal, even though the fundo is supposed to keep things down, but it is still a worry. Our concern is all the stories we've heard about kiddos retching so much that they tear the stitches inside that are keeping the Fundo together. I don't think this is going to happen, but what do I know about Fundo's? And since I'm not Mr. Fundo Expert, everything is going to worry us. She is on a lot of Morphine right now which is keeping her pretty much zonked out, and she's also getting some Zofran too for her nausea.

This recovery is going to be No Bueno.


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