Friday, September 19, 2008

Well, today is the day everyone.

You know, Abby has been doing great with her communication lately. She now says "yeah" and she can tell what kitty says, a cow says and some others. She also knows to point to her boo boo's and if something is hurting her. And ever since she has learned this, we find her constantly pointing to her throat. The reflux she goes through every day as a result of not having that sphyncter must be annoying and painful. In the picture below, Abby was in her high chair pointing to her throat to tell me it was hurting....

I've been very much "on the fence" about this surgery as far as if she really needs it, but watching her grab at her neck a lot and point to it as much as she does has sealed the deal. Now we just need to pray that the docs won't need to move her G Tube today while performing the fundo surgery. As I have mentioned, if that happens, our hospital recovery time (and the discomfort and pain for Abby) will pretty much double.

Other than this crazy surgery today, Abby has been doing absolutely fantastic. That actually makes it harder to bring her in today. It's one thing if she's already sick and feeling crummy but to bring her in when she's happy and cute is rough. She has no idea that she's about to go through a very difficult surgery today and it breaks my heart. But this is Abby we're talking about here, and I know she can deal.

Check out these fun of Eddie below....That little guy is  getting into EVERYTHING THESE DAYS!

I love you all and keep Abby in those prayers today.


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