Friday, September 19, 2008

The surgery went well!


The docs didn't have to move Abby's G Tube! The Fundo is now in place and as I type this we're waiting for the nurse to come get us so we can see Abby. We should only be in the hospital about 5 days or opposed to being here for 2 weeks!
We did learn that Abby did have a Hiatal Hernia....whatever that is. To quote her surgeon, "it was a big mess in there, but I cleaned it all up." There was a lot of scare tissue and adhesions that he took care of. For the record, I have no clue what I just said. I'm just repeating what the surgeon said. Who cares though. The good news is that Abby is still batting a thousand and continues to be our little Rockstar.

With all that said though, let's keep the prayers going during her recovery. A fundo is no joke and it takes a while to recover. How long Abby is here depends on how well she handles food in her tummy.

Ooohhhh! The nurse is here!

More later


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