Friday, August 04, 2006

Abby's G-Tube

Hey there everyone,

Abby got her G Tube yesterday. I’ll take a picture of it and post it tonight. She did very well during the surgery and was able to come off of the breathing vent immediately. We brought her back to the NICU where she slept the rest of the day. She was in a lot of pain though and that was hard for Kelly and I to see. We called in this morning and were told that she is doing a little better and is getting a steady dose of Tylenol as well as some other pain killer which is taking the edge off.

Abby has an IV in right now and won’t get any milk for another day and a half or so. Remember, the G Tube goes in her left side to her stomach so she got poked through her stomach muscles and her stomach and all that needs to heal up before we start using it. The tube is a lot bigger than I imagined and a lot longer. The good news though is that in 4 to 6 weeks we’ll be able to replace that tube with a button looking device that only pokes out about a quarter or a half inch.

All in all, it went well. It’s just hard that she’s in pain, so please pray that she recovers quickly and with as little pain as possible.

I love you people. Please say hello via this website. Even if we don’t know you. It’s really cool to know that our Abby has touched the lives of people we haven’t met yet.
I say “yet” because I hope to meet all of you one day… and so does Abby.

Have a good weekend.


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