Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fingers Crossed.....Read On!

Hey Abby Fans!

I’m having technical difficulties with my email. Sorry for the lag time. I’m at work right now, so I don’t have the pics I promised. Sorry Grandma’s!

Anywho, really quickly, Abby is doing okay. She doesn’t like the G Tube, but then, who would? Before the surgery, she was doing pretty well on her feedings and starting to take about 25 cc’s or so each time she was fed by the bottle with a couple times taking the entire bottle. Now, we’re lucky to get 20 cc’s of milk down her. I am confident though that she’ll get it going and now that we have the G Tube in, all the remaining milk will go in through that. It is literally a tube that sticks out of her left side. We take the milk and put it in a giant syringe that gets placed on a machine that pushes the milk in slowly over about a half hour.
Abby will also be coming home with a heart monitor. After the surgery she has spelled a couple of times and that concerns the docs. We only need to have her hooked up when she is sleeping at night though so it’s no big deal.

And here’s the best part. If all goes well she’s coming home THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please keep up the prayers that everything will run smoothly, that Abby continues to get her strength back, that she doesn’t spell anymore, and that we can take our baby home on Thursday, which will be 104 days in the NICU.

I’ll get you guys those pics. I’m sorry they haven’t come through. After reading the last few postings I realize how boring they are without some cute shots of our Abby.

PS – I will always refer to her as “our” Abby because I mean to include all of you. You are all a very intricate part of her life and ability to fight. I have no doubt that your prayers and good wishes are heard.

I love you all. I love our Abby and I can’t wait for Thursday!


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