Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hello From Abby Town!

Let's see...Abby has gone back to her fussy self and we're having trouble with her feeding again. She was doing quite well for a while and taking at least one full bottle every day. The past few days though she hasn't taken one. My heart aches for her as she tries and tries to eat but because she can't coordinate everything she gets really frustrated and just cries and pulls her head back and gags and everything. Kelly will try to calm her down and give her some "Abby Love" for a few minutes, but that only works sometimes. We have faith that she'll get it though and we're looking forward to starting the therapy up again soon for this. Abby had her eye appointment yesterday and everything is still looking good. We don't have to go back for a month. She can see about 6 inches in front of her and everything is still in black and white. How they know that, I have no idea.

Some other good news is that she is getting more used to sleeping at night and being up during the day. She is also pushing 6 lbs! We're hoping she gets to 6 lbs by her 4 month birthday on the 29th. Right now she's 5 lbs, 14 oz. Kelly and Abby are going to another appointment today for Abby's G Tube to make sure it's working well and that there's no infection. The infection part is huge. Remember, Abby has the shunt too, which is the tube going from her head down to her abdomen. If that gets infected and the infection travels to her brain, we're in trouble. And the G Tube is just another foreign object inside Abby that can cause infection. So we need to keep the girl healthy!

Having Abby home has been wonderful. I love to wake up to her squirming around in her crib and coming home from work to see Kelly holding her baby, fixing up a bottle in the kitchen. It's a picture I wasn't sure I'd see and I look forward to it every single day.

Please continue the prayers for Abby's feeding ability and that her shunt continues to work without infection.

All our love and then some.
Kelly and Ryan


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