Monday, May 22, 2006

Abby doing well

Just received an update from Kelly. Abby is doing fine. She has not had any spells today. They are trying to determine whether or not this has to do with being put back on the ventilator, or from having her brain fluid drained. Her brain fluid was drained yesterday and they removed 8cc of fluid. The doctors are going to put Abby on a schedule of draining her brain fluid every other day.

Abby will be taken off of the ventilator tomorrow and put back on the CPAP. Her ventilator remains on the lowest setting and she pretty much does all her own breathing. The doctors want to keep challenging her to strengthen her lungs and because the ventilator is not good for the long-term health of Abby's lungs. Kelly asked that we all pray that the transition from the ventilator to the CPAP go smoothy. Kelly and Ryan are very nervous about the process; although Kelly did acknowledge that Abby did fine the previous time. The lasek drugs are working great. Abby's lungs remain clear of fluid and she continues to receive lasek drugs every evening.

Kelly was happy to report that Abby pooped today, which is exciting because it means her digestive system is starting to work again. Abby has slowly started to take breastmilk again. The doctors and nurses are very anxious to get Abby going strong with the breastmilk. She is currently getting 1cc every 6 hours. Before her digestive system stalled she had been receiving 3cc every 3 hours. Abby currently weighs 1lb 12ozs. So she has gained an ounce and a half in three weeks.

The funeral for Emma and Madelyne will be Saturday, June 17th at 10:00AM at the Mission Viejo Stake Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (27976 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo 92692).

See a map here:


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