Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Thanks for making your way to this webpage where we'll continue posting updates regarding little Abigail.

New posts will begin tomorrow morning May 3.

The update below was sent tonight:

Sorry this is late, I'm sending what I know as I know many of you are anxious for news. I'm still waiting to hear back from Derek Baker as he has been with the Gaya's for awhile now & will be phoning me with an update. I know that nothing has changed with Abby, still critical, but stable. Abby was given another blessing tonight as well.

In regards to helping with the funeral, our ward has been given a food assignment so contact Shelley Smith if you can help 766.1663. Latest word is the funeral is from 10-11A on Saturday at the Stake Center. From 11-1P will be available to visit with the Gayas.

Good night & if I hear anything new from Derek soon I'll send it, otherwise I look forward to sending a positive report in the morning.


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