Monday, May 29, 2006

Abby news

Abby's day started out pretty good. She has been receiving 3.3cc of breastmilk every 3 hours and has been pooping a lot. She was also on the nasal cannula (short nostril tubes) and doing just fine. However, the results from a culture taken on the 27th, revealed that she still has a yeast infection. Another culture was taken yesterday and Kelly and Ryan will know the results tomorrow (it takes 48hrs from when the culture is taken to know the results). The culture on the 28th has revealed that Abby also has some sort of bacteria infection. On top of all this, Abby's IV got clogged and the replacement IV also got clogged, so this morning Abby had a little surgery to place a "broviac," a type of PICC line, through her neck and chest. She still may have a yeast infection that could attack the new PICC line, but given that the IVs weren't working out, it is the best choice for now. Abby is also temporarily on the ventilator since they had to do the surgery this morning, and she is expected to be back on the short nostril tubes tomorrow.

Keep praying that Abby's infections go away quickly and until then, that her veins will cooperate and be as strong as she is.


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