Friday, June 23, 2006

Abby news

Ladies and Gentlemen!

In this corner, one of the tiniest little fighter to enter the NICU ring, is Abigail Lynn Gaya, weighing in at a whopping 3lbs 1oz!!!! Abby is doing very well these days. She is still eating well and growing and pooping. In fact, tonight they stopped giving her that supplemental nutirtion that she was getting. As long as she does well on just mommy’s milk through the weekend, they will take the broviac out of her chest on Monday! This is fantastic news. We are tired of this big tube going into her chest. I’m sure she is too.

She got blood yesterday, which really helped with her color. Mommy knew she would need one on Monday because she got a little pale and was acting a bit lethargic. We don’t want to give blood too often though because her body needs to learn how produce it on its own. To help with this, she is now getting iron each morning. She is producing some blood on her own, but she could do better. We’re told that this is common in the preemie world.

Another situation that we’ll have to keep an eye on is that she threw up three times today. We’re not too sure why and while our nurse Jessica didn’t seem too concerned she definitely wants to watch that. As you can all see from the pictures, we get to dress Abby now! This is another mini milestone because this means she is not an isolette that produces humidity. The humidity was for her skin which now is that soft, smooth baby skin. And as soon as she is able to maintain her own body temperature, she will be put into a crib. This is the part I can’t wait for. I’m tired of looking at her through the isolette. Anyway, Kelly is having a blast dressing her little girl. Even though she still swims in her clothes, Abby has a huge wardrobe already.

Last night, daddy changed her diaper when not more than 5 minutes later did she poop. Luckily mom was back from pumping her breast milk by then so daddy gave her the green light to change the poopie one. I figure there will be PLENTY of opportunities to change those in the future…why rush into it?

Abby is still the night owl. She was wide awake until around 12:45AM last night. Kelly and I pulled ourselves away around 11:30PM to go home.

Abby has been doing very well lately. There is no doubt that your prayers are being heard. Please continue my friends. I know I say it a lot, and there are only so many ways to say "please pray" but I do mean it. Keep them up. Some specifics this time around are that she is able to produce her own blood, that her throwing up isn’t anything to be concerned about, and that her brain and shunt continue to work in harmony together.

Have a great Friday and an even better weekend.
Kelly and I will be rockin’ out in the NICU with our little Abby Girl.


Anonymous said...

Boy the news is getting better and better. That a way Abby. Grandpa is going to teach you how to fish when you grow up...Kelly and Ryan we are praying for everything to go well We love you

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