Thursday, June 15, 2006

More details from Ryan

Splish Splash Abby had her first bath!

Well, kind of. We took her out her isolette AKA her condo, and put her on a little plastic platform under some heat lamps so she didn’t get cold. Then Kelly took some wash cloths, got them wet, and washed her down. She did great! She didn’t cry at all. I think she actually liked not having all those sticky things that monitor her on her body for a while. After the bath we got her dressed in a cute outfit. She is so cute with her little clothes on. By this time it was 11:30PM and she was WIDE AWAKE. It’s so hard to leave her when she’s looking all around.

She got an eye exam today. The eye doctor said what he sees is common for premie’s which is that there are some minor problems with Abby’s eyes. Kelly couldn’t get much more out of him other than the fact that her eyes will be continuously monitored. I will try to get more info on this topic later today.

Abby is still having trouble with good ole #2, so she will most likely get an enema today. The concern is that she’ll get dependent on the enema but at this point they don’t care. The poor girl just needs to go!

The shunt seems to be working well still. This is very good news. She has become a whole new baby since that was put in.

I know I’ve promised pictures, and I’m a slacker, but I’ll get some to you soon. I’m sure this doesn’t help but...SHE IS SUPER CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heh heh.

Prayers my friends. Prayers for her eyes, her head and continued strength.


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