Friday, June 02, 2006

Another good day

Alright! Another good day for Abby folks. She is doing great on the nasal cannula and the cultures are still negative for the infections! Mommy got to Kangaroo hold her today, which for those of you that don't know is holding Abby on mommy's bare skin chest. I t's a toss up as to who was enjoying it more.

She still had her spells today but towards the end of the day they seemed to slow down a bit. She likes to have 3 to 5 in a row. She'll stop breathing, Kelly will rub her back and stimulate her a bit, then her heart rate will pick up again, only to drop down. Then it's up and down a few times until she finally decides to breathe. This is typical preemie behavior as we've been told, however, we are looking forward to these slowing down a bit because they always make us a bit nervous.

So get this, she smiles! Well... not on purpose anyway, but she does make this smiling face. It is absolutely adorable. Kelly asked about this and the nurses said that she does this when she....well...when she's farting! Let's just say that our Abby was smiling a ton today. Tonight she had yet another good poop and she got some new blood too. She always feels better after each of these.

Something else to be excited about is Kelly's meeting with a member of the Developmental Team on Monday. We're not really sure what this is all about exactly, so we'll keep you posted.
We've taken a few nice steps forward in a row these past few days, but the weekends haven't been kind to us since this all began. Please pray that we have a good weekend and that Abby continues to be strong and hang in there!

Kelly and Ryan


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