Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Abby update

Abby is doing pretty well these days. She is still on the nasal cannula and doing okay. She still has her spells every hour or so, and they're still 3 to 5 spells in a row. Some take quite a lot of assistance from us to get her breathing again (rubbing her back, flicking her feet, lifting her up) and some she "self resolves" or just remembers to breathe on her own. If she continues to spell this often, she will get her head tapped again tomorrow to pull some fluid out. She tends to need it every 3 days or so and the last time it was done was last Saturday.

Both Kelly and I got to Kangaroo her today. Kelly had her for over 3 hours. I had her for only an hour and half this evening. It is so much fun to hold her. It is hands down the highlight of our day.

She is gaining a ton of weight. The docs are actually concerned that she's gaining a bit too much too quickly and think she might be retaining fluid. She was given some Lassex which makes her pee like crazy. She was also given an enema and was able poop finally. Even after all this, she still weighs 2lbs and 8 ounces!!! She will be looked at closely on this issue to ensure the weight gain is positive weight and not just fluid build up. Personally, I think she looks great. She used to have these wrinkley little bird legs and now they're puffy and chubby, just like a normal new born, only 5 times smaller!

Abby had her first visit with the developmental therapist today. Kelly said she was very nice and she was pleased at how Abby was doing given her brain bleed and all. We learned a few things to start doing with Abby and the therapist plans to stop by each day to check in on her.

I've attached a few pics for your viewing pleasure. The picture with the tube blowing smoke in her face is my favorite. The smoke is a kind of lung medication and it's basically a steroid that she inhales to improve her lungs. I don't know why, but she cracked a smile right when I took the picture and as you can see it's super cute. The other picture is when she was on my chest. She put her own finger in her mouth.. that wasn't staged. Another favorite. Okay, who am I kidding? They're all my favorite.

We love you all and hope everyone has a great day.
Abby's spells are picking up as I mentioned. Say some prayers she stays strong and doesn't have too many.

Kelly and Ryan


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