Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Abby news

Abby has been doing pretty well this week overall.
She is still taking mommy's milk through the tube and digesting it all. She is up to 30 cc's every 3 hours. She is about 3 lbs, 6 oz now! I got to kangaroo hold her tonight which of course was fantastic. I held her after she got her immunization shots. We were told she would be in a lot of pain and discomfort afterward but she did pretty well in the hour that followed. We hope she stays strong the night. She'll get her 2nd set of shots tomorrow and that will be it.

Abby is bottle feeding once a day with the developmental therapist. She took 5 cc's again today. That's not very much and the therapist said she would like to see Abby a bit further along given how old she is, but that's okay. She is starting to figure it out and we kind of expected this kind of stuff regarding neurological issues. It's just going to take her some time to coordinate the "suck, swallow, breathe" situation.

One thing is for sure though. She's cute. Check out her new outfit! Say some prayers for Abby's ability to take a bottle better along with everything else I always mention.

We love you all. Abby continues to reach people from all around. Both old friends and strangers alike are tuning in. That's fantastic. We appreciate your support and please chime in and say hello!

Thanks again. We love you.
Ryan and Kelly


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